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Deep Belonging is Your Natural Birthright

Deep Belonging is Your Natural Birthright

Join this 8-week Course with
Matt Eliot, PhD and Jessica Fleming, MMH

Join the 21-Day Training

Sleep Is Magic

with Dr. Lorin Roche & Camille Maurine

Join this 8-session Course

Fields of Belonging

with Matt Eliot, PhD and Jessica Fleming, MMH

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Our Sense of Belonging Brings Compassion and Ease


What does it feel like to truly belong? With a beloved spot in nature, your chosen family, and your own experience of the Sacred? 

Can you remember a time when you felt deep belonging, even for a moment? There was safety and closeness, a feeling of being embraced by something more significant than your own individuality. This is what we call an energetic Field of Belonging

Feeling is an important word here. Because belonging is more than any particular emotion, it is an energetic feeling of communion that naturally radiates from the body in all directions and on many levels. 

The idea (and experience) at the foundation of this course is that we can consciously enter this energetic Field of Belonging. And we can learn the skills and beliefs that help us strengthen the Field.

Join Jessica and Matt, two amazing elders of our community, with an intimate group of 12 students, where you will explore in a very personal way what it means to belong.

Our Sleep Has Never Been More Important

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We Spend 1/3 of our Lives Sleeping

Our bodies are designed to spend about 8 hours a day in a state where we give over to the process of repair, rejuvenation, and recharging.

Tired Americans

1/3 of Americans & Canadians Don't Sleep Enough

Improving your sleep is the cheapest, most practical, scientifically proven, and common sense way to improve your health, performance, and joy of living.

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A Meditation Practice Supports Your Sleep

Studies have shown that meditation can bring you into even deeper states of rest than sleep. It helps to clear away obstacles that prevent us from falling asleep and staying asleep as much as we need.

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You're Not Crazy, You're Just Tired!

Have a hard time falling asleep?​

Nothing is more frustrating than tossing and turning in bed when you know you’re exhausted. 

Instead of sleep being a time of rest and recovery, it can become yet another stressful, unpredictable thing in your life you can’t control.

The good news: If you learn a few simple sleep skills, you’ll fall asleep faster than {cue snoring}…

Can't Sleep Through the Night?

Worse than taking forever to fall asleep is waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to get back to sleep. 

When you’re not sleeping, your body & mind aren’t getting the necessary recovery time they need to process life and to heal. 

The Good News: Good sleep is possible… you just have to remember how!

Waking Up Tired and Sluggish?​

The longer you go without getting the rest you need, the more tired and brain-fogged you become. 

This leads to unhealthy habits, like increased screen time, caffeine consumption, and relying on junk food or stimulants… just to “survive.”

The Good News: A few days of deep sleep can start to change your unhealthy habits.

Feeling Stressed & Overwhelmed?

When you don’t get enough quality sleep, your stress levels and anxiety increase, disrupting your nervous system.

This in turn lowers your immune system and makes it harder to relax and fall asleep at night.

The good news: Sleep is a skill… and it’s one you can learn (or remember).

You've Tried Everything?

You’ve tried sleep meditations, hypnosis, pills, cannabis, and everything you can get your hands on to try to sleep better, but nothing has helped?

Imagine waking up feeling rested, restored, and ready for a magical day ahead…

The Good News:  The SLEEP IS MAGIC 21-Day Training will help you sleep faster, better, and wake up feeling rested—finally!

Super humans need super sleep, and this training will change your life forever!


We Live in a Splintering World


As we (hopefully) emerge from the worst of the pandemic, it is clear that its effects have ranged from merely irritating to genuinely catastrophic. We have been isolated as our communities have splintered into factions around public health, political movements, and the damage caused by social media. We have lost friends and family. Neighbours have become enemies.

And many of us have attempted to adjust to these economic and social upheavals, both local and global. But those attempts are easily disrupted by further unwanted change.

We have lost much of our connectedness with all the trauma we have endured. This loss happened as an initial shock and has unfolded gradually over time.

Can our deep sense of belonging ever be regained?

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Consequence #1

Your health will deteriorate, you’ll get sick and you’ll continue being tired, groggy, and unclear. 

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Consequence #2

The strain on your relationships and addictive behaviors will keep growing.

Time To Change

Consequence #3

You know your health depends on better sleep. Not sleeping is stopping you from fully living.

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Immerse Yourself in the Fields of Belonging


We invite you to an 8-session experience designed to reawaken and refine the many Fields of Belonging that we experience each day. During this course, we will incorporate creativity and embodiment practices, use writing and sharing as reflection opportunities, and work together to explore the blessings and challenges of the Fields of Belonging.  

Expanding our experience of belonging deepens our access to these essential qualities:

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This course will invoke and reinforce our embodied Power of Place – connection to the land and our local community. 

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We all emerged from the Web of Life, and in this course, we will be present with that connection from several perspectives.

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  In each session, we will awaken to the fullness of Belonging in a carefully planned progression of invocations.

“The Fields Of Belonging course was very lovely and full of insight. Matt and Jessica were always ready with their lessons and wonderful meditations every time we met. They were skilled at holding space in a deep way and I soon felt closer to the zoom family they had formed than to some of my own family. I liked how they always had us do practical projects by ourselves or with other students, so we weren't just sitting there listening to them talk. It was very engaging as a student and we all had equal chances to speak.

I would definitely recommend their program!”
Greta K.
Yoga Teacher
“I appreciated your kind and motivating invitation for us all to engage with the amazingly genuine energy we sensed from each other remotely during the sessions. It seemed like you were present with each of us while teaching. The community we formed in this course through Jessica and Matt's lead was small in size, which helped foster intimacy in our sessions."
Rob E.
Outdoor Educator

Want a Taste of the Course and a Chance to Ask Questions?

Matt and Jessica are holding a final introductory sessions with a Q&A where you can meet them both, get a feel for their approach to Belonging, and ask any questions you have about the course.

Tuesday April 2 at 5pm PDT

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Fields of Belonging

An Embodied 8-Session Meditation Journey
April 7 - June 10, 2024

Enrollment for this course is limited to 12 people to create an intimate environment that allows for personal interaction and heartful, trusting sharings.

Over 8 sessions, we will meet live at 4pm (PDT) for a 2-hour class with Matt and Jessica, to explore different dimensions of belonging. 

Recordings will be available shortly after each class.

Please enroll to ensure your place!

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Session 1: Initiation Into the Fields of Belonging

April 7, 2024 at 4pm PDT

We begin by building our group Field of Belonging through introductions, sharing our intentions, and powerful invocations of Divine Presence.

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Session 2: The Loving Field of Me

April 14, 2024 at 4pm PDT

In this session, we compassionately explore the essential question “Who am I?” including our qualities and roles, with intimacy as the question’s pure essence. We will learn some practical skills for strengthening this Loving Field.

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Session 3: The Chosen Field of Family and Friends

April 21, 2024 at 4pm PDT

Belonging is a complex experience, with its underlying yearning for connection. And intimacy may be a difficult energy to both give and receive. This session explores the energetic field, the Heartspace, which connects us with those we love.

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Session 4: The Strong Field of Local Community

April 28, 2024 at 4pm PDT

In our increasingly mobile society, the local community can seem both fragile and challenging. This session acknowledges the power of place and the deep roots we can plant as part of Belonging. We will explore strengthening our Field of Belonging in our local community.

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Session 5: The Intricate Field of the Web of Life

May 5, 2024 at 4pm PDT

We live within an extraordinary web of conscious beings. All are connected in an energetic field that celebrates the Lifeforce Herself. In this session, we will explore our relationships with all our allies – those in bodies and those beyond embodiment.

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Session 6: The Wise Field of Humanity

May 19, 2024 at 4pm PDT

In our difficult times, it is easy to be distracted from the deep wisdom that humanity can embody. Human wisdom is based on collaboration and cooperation. Building on our previous sessions, we will work together to add our unique contributions to the field of human wisdom. 

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Session 7: The Universal Field of Divine Consciousness: I, We, All

June 2, 2024 at 4pm PDT

Here, our Field of Belonging becomes infinite. In this session, we will extend our experience of divine allies while exploring our individual and group embeddedness in Divine Consciousness.

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Session 8: Integrating the Fields of Belonging

June 9, 2024 at 4pm PDT

We will begin the process of integration each in our unique way. In our final session, we will reflect upon our time together and explore the multiple ways we will integrate these practices into our daily lives. Also, a powerful invocation of gratitude for all we have achieved.


Also Get Bonus Access to the Radiance Sutras School of Meditation!

Included in your course is 4-months tuition in our world renowned meditation school, where you get access to:

  • 2x Monthly Live Meditation Events With Lorin, Camille, and Community
  • LIVE Community Meditation Classes Every Week
  • An Audio Meditation Library With 50+ Practices
  • Our Foundational Instinctive Meditation® Course
  • A Course on the Meditation Secrets for Love, Intimacy, and Relationships
  • A Beautiful Community of Fellow Meditators
  • Discounts on Retreats and Trainings

Learn more about it here…

The Radiance Sutras School of Meditation is the perfect place for you to learn, grow, and discover.

If you are already a member of The Radiance Sutras School of Meditation, find your coupon code for the course discount in the community (or email us at support@radiancesutras.com).
"You both co-created a Sacred Space even in this online format. Your teamwork was everything Good Teaching is: respect, balance, variety, and authenticity. The trust required to plunge in is one that requires great courage and faith. You did it and created trust, beauty, and magic."
Rose M.
Meditation Teacher
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Integrating Teachings From Meditation Secrets For Women and The Radiance Sutras


This course actively brings together wisdom from two of the core texts of Instinctive Meditation®: Meditation Secrets For Women and the Radiance Sutras. Each session weaves together teachings such as Shakti, Sovereignty, and Compassion using excerpts and sutras from the two books. 

This combination results in a beautiful synergy, bringing deeper insights into the various Fields of Belonging as we explore them together.

We believe this is the first course to intertwine these two powerful texts.  

Meet Your Facilitators


Jessica Fleming, MMH

Jessica Fleming, MMH, is a Certified Meditation Secrets For Women facilitator and co-founder/director of SoulPath Journeys, Sunshine Coast, Australia. As an Eldress with vast Life experience, I am primarily interested in assisting people in understanding their Life Mission and Living it to the Full on the Path of their Soul. I do my best to Walk my Talk and Walk in Balance on this precious, blue-green jewel of a planet.


Matt Eliot, PhD

Matt Eliot has studied and taught sacred practice for nearly 30 years. He was introduced to the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra (the root scripture for our beloved The Radiance Sutras) in 1989 and loves chanting the Sanskrit and contemplating the English in the Sutras. Matt usually incorporates mantra in his teaching. He emigrated to Australia in 2009 to work as a Learning and Teaching Specialist and research mentor at an Australian University. Matt is currently retired (supposedly.) 

Dr. Lorin Roche & Camille Maurine

Lorin began meditating in 1968 as part of brain wave research at the University of California, where he later was awarded a PhD for his research on the inner experience of meditation. Lorin is one of those people who bounces out of bed at 4 in the morning eager to go write books, and this makes it a real challenge to get enough sleep. He is always having to invent ways to get enough.

Camille Maurine is a dancer and author of Meditation Secrets for Women, and Meditation 24/7. Camille almost always wakes up in the middle of the night to enter profound meditative states in the darkness and silence, communing with the universe on a deep level.

Relax • Register Today!

This 8-Session Live Course Runs From
April 7 – June 10, 2024

Please note: Attendance at each session is important for all participants’ learning and maintaining the group’s Field of Belonging. Please check your calendars to ensure you can attend all sessions in person before enrolling.

Life happens, of course, and participants will be able to watch the session afterwards.

Live 2 hour sessions start at 4pm PT / 7pm ET and the recordings will be available shortly after each session.

Fields of Belonging
Course Tuition



Enrollment is limited to 12 people to create an intimate environment that allows for heartful, trusting sharings.

Please enroll to ensure your place!

Due to limited enrollment in this course, no refunds will be given after the course start date.

If you are already a member of The Radiance Sutras School of Meditation, find your coupon code for the course discount in the community (or email us at support@radiancesutras.com).


We don’t want your money if you’re not sleeping better. We will give you a full refund if you complete our course, but your sleep hasn’t improved by November 19, 2022!

Questions? Check out our FAQ section below or feel free to contact us.

"Belonging is essential to our health on all levels. The Fields of Belonging are a deep source of learning for me. They teach me about my learning edge, consistently."
Matt Eliot

Frequently Asked Questions

Nope! This course is designed to support you to be in your own flow and not to be an extra obligation. Daily recordings and meditations will be available so you can tune in as your schedule allows. That being said, we would of course LOVE to have you there live whenever it works and either way please be kind to yourself by making some time each day to prioritize rest and rejuvenation over your other responsibilities.

Don’t worry, there’s absolutely no prior experience required for this course. The Instinctive Meditation® approach is based on an understanding that meditation is a natural part of all of us. These meditation techniques simply emphasize and deepen those innate qualities so you can draw on them more consciously yourself, especially when it’s time to get some sleep!

We call our approach Instinctive Meditation® – the natural, life-affirming method we have developed over 50 years of practice and teaching. A key textbook of the teachings is The Radiance Sutras by Lorin Roche, PhD – his beautiful version of the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, an ancient yogic text. You can read more about this freeing approach to mediation here.

We begin on October 29, 2022, our last class is on November 18, 2022.

We will gather live daily at 5:30pm PT and each class is 30 minutes long.

The recording of each class will be available on our Radiance Sutras School of Meditation Membership Site within 2 hours.

Just come as you are, no other material is required. If you are hungry for more, we highly recommend the books Meditation Made Easy, Meditation Secrets for Women, and The Radiance Sutras.

The materials will be available on our Radiance Sutras School of Meditation Community Site forever, we will provide you with access to the recordings and any handouts after the complimentary 6-months of membership is over.

We don’t want your money if you’re not sleeping better. If you have completed the course and your sleep hasn’t improved by November 19, 2022, we will give you a full refund! 

A request for refund must be submitted between November 20, 2022 and November 30, 2022. (You will not retain access to the Bonuses.) No refunds starting December 1, 2022.

Any other questions? Feel free to reach out to us: support@radiancesutras.com

Relax • Rest • Recover

For meditation trainings and invitations to live meditation events with Lorin & Camille, join the Radiance Sutras School of Meditation email list.

“If you have a hard time sleeping, 
Lorin Roche
FOUNDER, Radiance Sutras School of Meditation

Copyright: 2022 Radiance Sutras School of Meditation

Created with Majik Media

“If you have a hard time sleeping, 
Lorin Roche
FOUNDER, Radiance Sutras School of Meditation
“If you have a hard time sleeping, 
Lorin Roche
FOUNDER, Radiance Sutras School of Meditation
“If you have a hard time sleeping, 
Lorin Roche
FOUNDER, Radiance Sutras School of Meditation