
Join this 4-week journey

Creative Powers of the Soul

July 13 - August 9, 2024

An Inspiring Exploration with Camille Maurine
Author of Meditation Secrets for Women

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Explore and nurture your creative mandala

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Within you pulsates a range of brilliant intelligence, wild wisdom, and heartfelt desires. This is your natural birthright, guiding you to ever-deeper creative expression in the world.

This powerful series with Camille is an invitation into profound connection with that innate source and its fresh, inspiring embodiment in your life.

Camille shares revelations from her lifetime dedication to soulful transformation and embodied creative expression. Along the way she has learned a thing or two about the process and is eager to share those insights with you ~ especially at this challenging yet evolutionary time on Earth. 

In this journey we explore practices for embracing and evolving your full range of life energy.

“Camille has changed the way I live and love my life. She taught me to see and feel more deeply than ever before, to cherish, to challenge, and to truly let go. She gave me everything I needed to continue evolving fearlessly, and apply it in theaters, studios, schools and workshops all over the world.”
Xanthe Coward
Writer, Director, and Teacher in South Bohemia, Czechia

Finding inspiration in the midst of uncertainty and exhaustion

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One of the mixed blessings of our time is having access to a barrage of global news, most of it disturbing ~ wars, environmental issues, political shenanigans. If you feel overwhelmed, exhausted, discouraged, or enraged, please know you are not alone. 

You are also not alone in longing to make a difference, to live in love, joy, and inspiration, to share your unique gifts with your community and play your part in this Great Theater of Life.

Coming together, diving into the currents of creation and tending our vital energies, generates a supremely potent field of possibility. Yes…TransFormation.

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Answer the call of the soul

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Our journey together is a potent context to feel and hear the deepest longings of the heart. Each of us is on our own expedition, yet supported by the power of our shared energy and attention.

Embodied practices open up portals of insight and inspiration. When we listen, explore, and move in new ways, we tap into an inner source of revelation and freedom. We find new ways to answer the call of the Soul ~ new ways to transform our lives.

Tune In and Tune Up

  • Come home to your divine creative Essence, your essential Nature.
  • Discover new ways to heal, affirm, and live your birthright of freedom and choice.
  • Open to deeper attunement with all levels of your being.
  • Transform stress into inspiration, possibility, and love.

Throughout our journey, we explore a selection of practices for embracing and evolving your full mandala of life energy:

  • Instinctive Meditation®
  • Sublimely Subtle Movement
  • Expressive Energy Practices
  • Soulful Journaling Exercises
  • Dreamwork and Ritual Art

In these ways, we invite and entertain the inner Muse. We listen deeply and play with our discoveries. Let’s be surprised, delighted, amused!

Camille is known for creating a welcoming, loving, liberating context to explore. No perfectionism, no cookie-cutter ideals. Come as you are, with all that’s percolating inside you.

Overview of Our Journey

Each Saturday we have a 3-hour workshop guided by Camille, where we dive into an essential theme with several explorations and discuss our personal questions and discoveries. During the week you also have online access to a rich array of inspirations ~ essays, meditation recordings, journaling prompts, and other supplementary support.

Each session is recorded so you can listen anytime. This is handy if you need to miss a live class, or want to review, anytime.

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Week 1: Transition

Saturday, July 13, 2024 at 12pm PT

Throughout our lives, from the moment of birth to our current daily life, we have traversed many times of change. These transition points clue us in to the movement of soul, the challenges and choices we faced along the way that have brought us to the present. Together we discuss the Art of Transition, and how to cooperate with what is calling you in your life today. This may be a desire to share more fully in your work or creative projects, to show up in new ways in relationship, or a deepening connection within your private inner world. Or all three ~ you name it!

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Week 2: Transmutation

Saturday, July 20, 2024 at 12pm PT

During this week we explore the Art of Shape-Changing. Consider all the energies that are percolating within you, on many levels of your being. We can learn the art and skill of transforming old outworn patterns into possibility, inspiration, and love. What do we do with our heartaches, our sorrow, anger, despair, or fear? Investigate the patterns you are ready to let go of and discover how to transmute them into vitality, creativity, and power.

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Week 3: Translation

Saturday, July 27, 2024 at 12pm PT

This week is dedicated to the Art of Expression. Here we claim our deepest desires, our revelations and inspirations, and explore skillful ways to express them in our daily flow of life. Find fresh language, images, and personal rituals to honor your new evolutionary state of being. Learn to translate the old beliefs and self-descriptions into a vibrant declaration of life and love.

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Week 4: Transmission

Saturday, August 3, 2024 at 12pm PT

Our fourth and final week is dedicated to the Art of Sharing. As you inhabit your new state of being there is the natural desire to express and share with others. This is a built-in generosity to the human soul, your soul. Together we practice ways to stay in touch with our discoveries in the flow of daily life. Learn how to be centered in your Essence as you engage with the larger community with all its challenges and gifts. In this way, you naturally, effortlessly, joyously become a transmission of possibility to all who come your way.

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Secret #1: Celebrate Your Senses

Build a healthy foundation of deep pleasure and love that supports all aspects of your being. Bask in beauty and wonder, embracing your womanhood and natural sensuality. Release yourself from old taboos and discover more pleasure and freedom. Meditation and Sex.

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Secret #2: Honor Your Instincts

Discover how to track the wise motions of life within you. Cultivate wholeness with the full mandala of instincts. Develop healthy boundaries and balance your energies with the “Yoga of the Instincts.”

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Secret #3: Claim Your Inner Authority

Embody your sovereignty and authentic female power in meditation and in life. Spiritual teachers, ego, and freedom. Inhabit your full energy space. Open to deeper connection with the field, your inner source, and the larger body of Nature. Live the mystery.

“Camille has been an incredible teacher for me over the years. Her wealth of experience and knowledge shines through in every interaction. What truly sets her apart is her ability to connect with people, meeting them exactly where they are and delving into the deeper questions. This creates an immediate sense of trust. Camille teaches with genuine compassion and respect."
Matt Eliot PhD
Meditation Teacher

About Your Guide

Camille Maurine is a meditation mentor, dancer, and the author of the groundbreaking Meditation Secrets for Women and Meditation 24/7, both written with her husband, Dr. Lorin Roche.

Camille is an intrepid traveler on the path of embodiment, venturing into the heights and depths of spirituality and love. Her work is a shimmering fusion of meditation, movement, and expressive practices, with a special passion for women’s spiritual empowerment.

In addition to her decades of dance, yoga, and meditation, Camille’s integrative approach draws upon training in various healing arts, including the study of Jungian depth psychology and Continuum Movement for many years. She is the creator of Moving Theater of the Soul, a transformational creative process, and has written and performed several stunning one-woman shows.

Over their 40+ years of relationship, Camille and Lorin have also been cross-pollinating their discoveries and insights, co-creating their liberating approach to inner practices. Together they are the founders of Instinctive Meditation® and the Radiance Sutras® School of Meditation. Renowned for her scintillating embodiments of feminine energy, Camille often performs excerpts from The Radiance Sutras, Lorin Roche’s beautiful version of the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, an ancient meditation text.

Camille Maurine
“Camille Maurine is one of the wisest, finest teachers on the planet at this time. She is my go-to for personal and soul wisdom and solace."
Jessica Fleming
MMH, Johns Hopkins Medical School
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Course Registration

July 13 – August 9, 2024

Four Weekly Sessions:
12 noon – 3pm PT each Saturday

Please note all workshop sessions will be recorded for later viewing. It’s fine if you can’t attend the whole event live, you’ll be able to view the recordings.

Creative Powers of the Soul

A Four-Week Journey


We are offering tiered pricing to ensure this workshop is accessible to all who truly want to join. Please choose the option that best fits your circumstance.

Regular Workshop Fee – $497
Sponsorship Fee – $547 – supports someone else to attend
Scholarship Fee – $347 – if you have financial challenge
Radically Discounted Scholarship Fee – $277 – limited spots available

If you are already a member of The Radiance Sutras School of Meditation, find your coupon code by clicking here.

"Without hesitation Camille has been transformational to work with. I have had multiple opportunities in the last 33 years and every time her gift of giving herself without reserve comes through. Camille is so completely given to her work there is no separation between the two. Besides being VERY gifted, Camille’s commitment to each and every person she works with is absolutely exceptional!"
Rob Early
Outdoor Educator

© 2024 Radiance Sutras School of Meditation